Friday 15 January 2016

Production - Production Log

This week I went into the studio and practised photographing a model with different lighting. I first used key light and back light all around my model. This created a bright, warm and even look which made the model look warmer and glowing. I then experimented with the lighting by moving all the light to one side of my model creating a shadow on the right side of my model's face. This created a different feel and made harsh shadows making the model look a lot stronger. These photos show my practise of the lighting on one side of my models face creating very harsh shadows.

I also started creating the front cover for my magazine by creating the masthead and experimenting with different ways of displaying it. I also experimented with different shades of pink to use as my theme throughout before deciding on a bright, hot pink as I felt it mirrored the pop music genre most. I also experimented with different text sizes and where they will be placed on the page.

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