Thursday 29 October 2015

Research and Planning - Evaluation

The tasks that I have completed so far have helped me with my understanding of layout, design and conventions of magazines by allowing me to explore what is essential for a front cover, contents page and double page spread for example, masthead, skyline, footer etc. Also it has helped me to explore how I can meet my target audience of young female girls by including a colour scheme of bright colours such as pink's and purple's.

The tasks I have completed so far have helped me to recall my understanding of the music genre pop as I already had a good understanding of it, however it has taught me a lot more about the iconography used in pop, for example, dramatic makeup, on trend clothes and famous role model artists.

The tasks I have completed so far have really helped me to understand the contents and type of stories to include in my magazine by exploring existing pop magazine stories. I have learnt that pop magazine's usually cover gossip stories about famous celebrities and pop artists and their lifestyle's for example relationship gossip. Also pop magazines include interviews with famous artists asking questions that the readers would want to know.

The research I have done has helped me to think of a few ideas I have for my magazine. For example I would like the colour scheme to be pink and purple as it appeals to my target audience of young girls, it would also make my magazine look bright and busy. I would also like an image of a famous pop artist on the cover, for example Jessie J, who is a good role model for young girls. I would also like to include an interview with a famous pop artist on my double page spread asking questions that most readers would want to know. I would also like to include gossip stories as I feel they are a very important aspect of pop magazines.

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