Thursday 29 October 2015

Research and Planning - Evaluation

The tasks that I have completed so far have helped me with my understanding of layout, design and conventions of magazines by allowing me to explore what is essential for a front cover, contents page and double page spread for example, masthead, skyline, footer etc. Also it has helped me to explore how I can meet my target audience of young female girls by including a colour scheme of bright colours such as pink's and purple's.

The tasks I have completed so far have helped me to recall my understanding of the music genre pop as I already had a good understanding of it, however it has taught me a lot more about the iconography used in pop, for example, dramatic makeup, on trend clothes and famous role model artists.

The tasks I have completed so far have really helped me to understand the contents and type of stories to include in my magazine by exploring existing pop magazine stories. I have learnt that pop magazine's usually cover gossip stories about famous celebrities and pop artists and their lifestyle's for example relationship gossip. Also pop magazines include interviews with famous artists asking questions that the readers would want to know.

The research I have done has helped me to think of a few ideas I have for my magazine. For example I would like the colour scheme to be pink and purple as it appeals to my target audience of young girls, it would also make my magazine look bright and busy. I would also like an image of a famous pop artist on the cover, for example Jessie J, who is a good role model for young girls. I would also like to include an interview with a famous pop artist on my double page spread asking questions that most readers would want to know. I would also like to include gossip stories as I feel they are a very important aspect of pop magazines.

Research and Planning - Institutions Research

A conglomerate - media group or media institution is a company that owns large numbers of companies in various mass media such as television, radio, publishing, movies, and the Internet.

A corporation - is a term which refers to a system of mass media production, distribution, ownership, and funding which is dominated bycorporations and their CEOs

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Research and Planning - Questionnaire Analysis

Click here to view my questionnaire

I firstly made my questionnaire on google forms, then distributed it by sending the link to my friends and family. I then collected my results on google drive by clicking view responses then summary of responses. This collated my results by putting them into charts etc.

Thursday 15 October 2015

Research and Planning - Pop Genre Collage

    'Iconography is an important aspect of genre. We expect to see certain objects on screen when we see a particular genre, for example, in a Western, dusty lonely roads, saloon bars, cowboy hats and horses, jails, sheriffs badges, guns, etc..

    Iconography used in the music genre of Pop is brightly coloured, revealing clothing, dramatic makeup and glamorous artists.

    In my magazine, the iconography I would like to use is a brightly coloured theme throughout the magazine of pink and purple, glamorous artists such as Taylor swift, Katy Perry and Jessie J on the front cover, contents page and double page spread wearing dramatic makeup and bright on trend clothing. I would also like to include a sans serif typography, for example 'Myanmar MN Bold'. 

    The preferred reading I want to create for my magazine is that it's fun and enjoyable for young girls to read as it touches on subjects such as fashion and music to create a fun atmosphere.

Friday 9 October 2015

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Research and Planning - Audience profiles

We Love Pop


Gender: female
Age: 8-16
Education: student


Their stereotypical psychographic would be mainstreamer which makes up 40% of all consumers, doesn’t want to stand out from the crowd and wants trustworthy and reliable products.  They would prefer to be entertained than educated.


Young, adventurous, keen and single (YAKS) which is aged 18-24, have no heavy financial burdens, disposable income, lives with parents or rents cheaply.

They would typically like to see brightly coloured magazines such as pink and blue with informal typography such as sans serif, for example, 'Myanmar MN Bold'. They would also like to see big images of popular artists such as Cheryl Cole, Olly Murs and Jessie J as they are role models for young people. They would also like to see articles such as gossip stories about celebrities and artists love life etc and fashion articles as they seem to be very big interests for YAKS. 

Q Magazine


Gender: unisex
Age: 20- 30
ABC: C2, D, E
Education: left school after college, apprenticeship, possible degree.
Income: possible double income.


Their stereotypical psychographic would be a mainstreamer which makes up 40% of all consumers, doesn’t want to stand out from the crowd and wants trustworthy and reliable products.


Experts with expensive style (EWES) which is aged 25-33, no children, has a mortgage and possibly married so has a double income. They would typically like to see dull colours such as black, white and red with formal typography such as Serif. They would also like to see big images of famous artists and celebrities such as Ed Sheeran, Sam Smith and Emile Sande and articles about the music genre pop and its history such as Top 10 and upcoming singles etc.