Thursday 17 September 2015

Preliminary Project - Layout of cover and contents page

I decided that the masthead colour should be white text and the box around it black as they appeal to both genders and create a smart classy look. I also decided to have the background of the magazine cover as white with the text as black as they are neutral colours and are unisex. I chose to have the main central image at a mid shot of both male and female students in school as it appeals to all students widening the target audience. The main image will include bright colours to contrast with the black and white theme of the magazine to draw the audience in. Also, I chose to include a pug at the top of my cover underneath the masthead which will be a bright blue colour also contrasting with the black and white theme. The pug will be a free giveaway of a school essential such as a free pen which will appeal to school students matching the target audience. On my magazine cover, I have also included a competition where the prize would be an iPad which appeals to young people matching the target audience. The footer at the bottom of the cover will be white text and the box around it will be black as both colours are neutral also mirroring the masthead and appealing to both genders.

The main headline for my magazine will be 'Top 10 revision tips' as every student can relate making it appeal to all school students. There will also be a secondary headline from every section of the magazine making it appeal to students in every situation. The text will be black on a white background to contrast with the masthead. 

The masthead's text will be white with the box around it to be black as it appeals to both genders and also mirrors the magazine cover's theme. The rest of the page will have a white background with black writing to contrast the masthead. I chose these sections with these stories because they appeal to both genders and all school students. The main image will be of a group of friends at school as it is positioned next to the 'social life' section. The editors letter will be brightly coloured to contrast and stand out from the rest of the contents page. 

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