To create my student magazine I used photoshop and my phone to take the images on. The advantages of using photoshop is that it made it a lot easier to create the cover using layers and the different tools such as the shape tool etc. The disadvantage of using photoshop is that it was hard to get used to working the different layers and resizing the text etc. The advantage of using my phone to take pictures is that it was practical and easy to use in the location, however, the disadvantage is that the picture quality wasn't as good as a camera's and I couldn't control lighting etc as I wasn't in a studio.
An advantage of using photoshop is the different tools you can use, for example the shape tool.
First you click on the shape tool icon down the side of the menu.
After you've clicked the icon you drag your cursor from one corner to the other creating a box shape. Release your cursor when you are happy with the size of your shape. You can change the colour of your shape by using the box of colours next to it and choosing the desired colour