Friday 18 March 2016

Production Log!

This week I have started re-drafting my magazine applying the feedback that I got from my questionnaire. I have re-designed the masthead for my front cover making it a bit more mature and I have changed the background and layout of my front cover. I have also changed my pug design so it matches my colour scheme more. I have edited my secondary image by blurring out the edges to give it a softer look. Next week I will need to take some more images and add them to my front cover next to the cover lines.

Before:                                                           After:
I have also started to redraft my contents page applying the feedback I have received. I have changed the masthead style and what it says to make it more individual to the genre of pop music. I have kept 
the layout the same, however I have changed the colour scheme slightly to add more of a variety of bright girly colours. I have also changed my font type as I feel it is now less repetitive and more of a unique design.