Wednesday 16 December 2015

Research and Planning - Risk Assessment

Risk Assessment

What are the hazards?

·      You could trip over the wires in the studio
·      There could be a liquid spillage near electrical appliances
·      The lights could get quite hot causing someone to burn themselves
·      If photographing outside then be cautious of weather issues
·      Also the public could get hurt if there aren’t signs around

Who is at risk?

·      The model if they trip/burn themselves etc.
·      The public
·      The crew

Severity of injury & Chance of injury:

·      The severity of the injury’s go from medium to serious as certain hazards such as weather issues is medium and someone burning themselves on a light is serious.

How will you reduce the risk?

·      I will tape all the wires to the floor so that nobody can trip over.
·      I will not allow any liquids into the studio to avoid spillages on electrical appliances.
·      I will try and turn the lights off when they’re not being used to prevent them from heating up.
·      I will also check the weather forecast before choosing a day to start photographing.

·      I will also put up signs if shooting outside to prevent the public from injuring themselves.